What WRAC Is Making: Community Health and Outreach

The communications team in the department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures (WRAC) recently released our first in a series of “What WRAC Is Making” pieces. These articles showcase some of the amazing things the folks in WRAC are doing at work/school and outside of it. This week, we are showcasing some of the community health and outreach work in which our faculty and grad students are engaged.

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P2W Club Game Night Builds Community

WRAC’s Professional and Public Writing (P2W) Club held their first social event of the semester, a student-led Game Night, on November 16th. The event allowed P2W students to unwind and build community with snacks and games in a fun, relaxed environment. Game Night also strengthened writing and revision skills—and the entire P2W program—in the process.

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WRAC Students and Faculty Present at MSU’s 3rd Annual Digital Humanities THATCamp

THATCamp (The Humanities and Technology Camp) is an unconference-style gathering of peers, specialists, and interested students, faculty, and staff meeting to learn more about digital humanities from each other. WRAC…

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Finding Solace in Creating With Support From a CREATE! Micro-Grant

Iliana Cosme-Brooks, a senior double majoring in Arts and Humanities and Public and Professional Writing, has found solace in creating during the COVID-19 pandemic and has picked up embroidery, sewing, crochet, and knitting. She was selected to receive a $500 CREATE! Micro-Grant to respond critically and creatively to the events of the pandemic. Her CREATE! Micro-Grant project, titled “Synonyms for, Symptoms of, Suffocation, Solitude,” is of a mask and an exaggerated and oversized sweater that she made to illustrate how she has felt during the pandemic.  

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CREATE! Micro-Grant 2021 Winners Announced

Twelve student projects were selected to each receive $500 CREATE! Micro-Grants to respond critically and imaginatively to events occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the funding, micro-grant winners will craft a variety of works using creative mediums such as film, dance, poetry, song, and oil painting to tackle issues involving race, isolation, body image, language, and more.

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