The MA in Rhetoric and Writing provides students with a theoretically grounded yet practical experience in rhetoric and writing, and offers five concentration areas for students to select from:

  1. Professional Writing and Technical Communication (PWTC)
  2. Composition Studies and Writing Pedagogy (CSWP)
  3. Digital Rhetorics (DR)
  4. Cultural Rhetorics (CR)
  5. Custom Emphasis (CE)

The program is available under either Plan A (with thesis) or Plan B (without thesis). A total of 30 credits, of which no more than 12 credits may be at the 400-level, is required for the degree under either Plan A or Plan B. The student’s program of study must be approved by the program director. Each student must meet the requirements specified below:

Course requirements for all students, regardless of Plan A or B, and regardless of concentration:

  • WRA 886: Master’s Research Colloquium (3)
  • WRA 810: Writing, Composing, Designing, Making (3)
  • WRA 805: Rhetoric History and Theory (3) or WRA 882: Contemporary Theories of Rhetoric (3)

Course requirements for each concentration area

Requirements for the Professional Writing and Technical Communication (PWTC) concentration

All of the following core courses (12 credits):

  • WRA 420: Content Strategy
  • WRA 453: Grant and Proposal Writing or WRA 483: Community Publishing
  • WRA 841: Professional Writing Theory and Practice
  • WRA 893B: Internship in Professional Writing

Complete a minimum of 9 additional credits selected from program offerings or graduate offerings in other departments (with approval).

Requirements for the Composition Studies and Writing Pedagogy (CSWP) concentration

All of the following core courses (12 credits):

  • WRA 870: Research Methodologies in Rhetoric and Writing 
  • WRA 878: Composition Studies Theory and History
  • WRA 888: Methods of Teaching Writing
  • WRA 891: Writing Program Administration Theory and Practice or WRA 889: Writing Center Administration Theory and Practice

Complete a minimum of 9 additional credits selected from program offerings or graduate offerings in other departments (with approval).

Requirements for the Digital Rhetorics (DR) concentration

All of the following core courses (12 credits):

  • WRA 415: Digital Rhetoric
  • WRA 420: Content Strategy
  • WRA 841: Professional Writing Theory and Research 
  • WRA 860: Multimodal Composing Theory and Practice

Complete a minimum of 9 additional credits selected from program offerings or graduate offerings in other departments (with approval).

Requirements for the Cultural Rhetorics (CR) concentration

All of the following core courses (12 credits):

  • WRA 882: Contemporary Theories of Rhetoric (cannot be counted twice if taken to fulfill the core program requirements; if counted toward core program requirements, a suitable replacement will be selected from program offerings or graduate offerings, with approval)
  • WRA 848: Cultural Rhetorics Theory and Methodology
  • WRA 891: Cultural Rhetorics Special Topics Seminars (two different offerings)

Complete a minimum of 9 additional credits selected from program offerings or graduate offerings in other departments (with approval).

Requirements for the Custom Emphasis (CE) concentration

Requirements for the Custom Emphasis (CE) concentration are discussed and determined in consultation with the assistant director, who serves as MA advisor.

Elective Courses in the MA

  • WRA 401 Rhetoric, Leadership, and Innovation WRA 410 Advanced Web Authoring
  • WRA 415 Digital Rhetoric
  • WRA 420 Content Strategy
  • WRA 441 Social Justice as Rhetorical Practice 
  • WRA 453 Grant and Proposal Writing
  • WRA 455 Portfolio Seminar
  • WRA 471 Rhetoric of Grammar
  • WRA 480 Publication Management
  • WRA 482 Information and Interaction Design 
  • WRA 483 Community Publishing
  • WRA 484 Ethics in Writing
  • WRA 491 Special Topics
  • WRA 495 Advanced Studies in Writing and Tutoring Pedagogy 
  • WRA 805 Rhetoric Theory and History
  • WRA 841 Professional Writing Theory and Research
  • WRA 848 Cultural Rhetorics Theory and Methodology
  • WRA 853 Workshop in Rhetoric and Writing
  • WRA 860 Multimodal Composing Theory and Practice
  • WRA 870 Research Methodologies in Rhetoric and Writing 
  • WRA 872 Methods of Research in Rhetoric and Writing
  • WRA 878 Composition Studies: Issues, Theory, and Research 
  • WRA 882 Contemporary Theories of Rhetoric
  • WRA 888 Methods in the Teaching of College-Level Writing 
  • WRA 889 Writing Center Theory and Administration
  • WRA 891 Special Topics in Rhetoric and Writing
  • WRA 893B Internship in Professional Writing
  • WRA 893D Internship in Literacy and Pedagogy
  • WRA 992 Seminar in Literacy Studies
  • 400- or 800-level coursework outside the department, with approval of advisory committee and Director of Graduate Studies

Additional Requirements for Plan A, regardless of concentration

  • Complete 4–6 credits of WRA 899 Master’s Thesis Research.
  • Pass a final oral certifying examination on the thesis and coursework.

Additional Requirements for Plan B, regardless of concentration

  • Complete an additional 3–6 credits of coursework from the list of electives above.
  • Pass a final certifying examination on the course work or complete a final portfolio (