Sample FYW Course Materials
While FYW classes employ a shared curriculum and shared learning outcomes, the specific articulation of course assignments, policies, and procedures varies according to each FYW instructor and to the missions of each of the three FYW courses.
The sample materials provided below are meant to provide examples of approaches to FYW courses and policies. Each is representative of a specific section of FYW. Consequently, each is generally representative of all FYW classes; however, individual classes may vary.
These samples provide examples of ways individual instructors have approached their sections of FYW. Other sections of FYW will likely share many features of these sample courses, but will show some differences as well.
WRA 101: Writing as Inquiry Sample Syllabus (PDF)
WRA 101: Writing as Inquiry Sample Syllabus (DOC)
WRA 195H: Writing as Inquiry, Honors Sample Syllabus (PDF)
WRA 195H: Writing as Inquiry, Honors Sample Syllabus (DOC)
WRA 1004/0102: Preparation for College Writing Sample Syllabus 1 (PDF)
WRA 1004/0102: Preparation for College Writing Sample Syllabus 1 (DOC)
WRA 1004/0102: Preparation for College Writing Sample Syllabus 2 (PDF)
WRA 1004/0102: Preparation for College Writing Sample Syllabus 2 (DOC)