WRAC is home to two cutting-edge research and production spaces along with several faculty- and student-led research clusters.


Writing, Information, and Digital Experience (WIDE) Research is a digital lab where faculty, specialists, and students work together on wicked problems that can lead to just futures. Our focus is on supporting the development and work of diverse faculty and students including Black, Brown, LGBTQ+, persons with disabilities, and first generation students. Our researchers have won many of the highest awards in our field, including two awards for our lab, student competition awards, and awards for faculty research. Members of WIDE have led major organizations in our field, contributed as board members and editors to our journals, and advised industry partners.

The Cube

The Cube provides a space for diverse ranges of people, places, and communities of all kinds, from traditional book production to user experience research to web and app development. The Cube publishes what matters (to an individual, to an organization, to a community). Their design-thinking process consists of research, client feedback, refinement, testing, and drafting. They apply our praxis of research-driven project management to every project to create desirable, functional, and accessible deliverables for every partner, including communities both within and beyond Michigan State University and East Lansing.