Nancy C. DeJoy
Associate Professor; Graduate Faculty
Affiliate Faculty, Museum Studies
Poet in Residence, Capital City Film Festival
Office: 257 Bessey Hall
Email: dejoy@msu.edu
Ph.D., Purdue University
Graduate Certificate in Museum Studies, Michigan State University
M.A., Purdue University
B.A., Nazareth College of Rochester
Representative Work
Selected Grants
Andrew Mellon Foundation. $3,074,000.00. “Creativity in the Time of Covid-19: Art as a Tool for Equity and Social Justice. (2021-2023). Co-PIs: Julian Chambliss (English MSU) and Natalie Phillips (English MSU).
2020. DeJoy, N and Earley S. “Image-ning the Emotive Power of the Poetic Word: Multi-faceted Images as Pathways for Understanding Our Singular and Collective Lives” The International Journal of the Image. 11 (3): 77-93.
2020. “Memoir as Process: Something Other Than Remembering.” Fourth Genre. 22 (1): 226-228.
2017. Collaborations and Innovations: Supporting Multilingual Writers Across Campus Units. Co-edited with Beatrice Quarshie Smith. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
2011. Reading and Writing Literacies. Second Edition (with graduate students Collin Craig, Steven Lessner and Bonnie Williams). New York: Pearson/Longman custom publishing.
2009. Reading and Writing Literacies. (with graduate students Collin Craig, Steven Lessner and Bonnie Williams). New York: Pearson/Longman custom publishing.
Selected Exhibits
2020. “Now” by Nancy DeJoy and Samantha Earley Juried: Fantastical Flora and Fauna Online Exhibition (Sept. 25-Nov. 7, 2020) South Haven Center for the Arts, South Haven, MI. (Honorable Mention)
2019. “Art for Artists’ Sakes.” Exhibit of my poems on prints by Samantha Earley. June. East Lansing Art Gallery.
2019. “What If I ….” Ways to Make a Better Community Together, collaborative art and poetry show. Katalyst Gallery. Old Town, Lansing, MI. October 25.
2018. “Illuminating Survivor Voices.” Poetry Sculpture Installation; featured work. MSU Social Justice Art Festival. Lookout! Gallery, Residential College in the Arts and Humanities. January 25.
2018. “Illuminating Survivor Voices.” Poetry Sculpture Installation. Wharton Performing Art Center main lobby. February and March.
2018. “Illuminating Survivor Voices.” Poetry Sculpture, organic lighting and multimedia projection project. December, 2018. Broad Art Lab, East Lansing, MI.
2018. With Jordan Taylor Warren (student). “Petroleum Addiction.” Summer Trio: Three Diverse Exhibits to Open Eyes and Hearts. Grove Gallery and Studios, East Lansing, MI. July 12–August 10.
2018. “Landscape” With lithographer Samantha Earley. Paper Connections: Works by Faculty and Students of Indiana University Southeast and the National University of Samoa. Indiana University Southeast and the National University of Samoa. July.
2017: Permanent Poetry Installation (metal plate etching): “Walking In.” Michigan Women’s Historical Center and Hall of Fame, Lansing, MI. To celebrate the Lansing Women’s March.
2017 (December 10). “I’m Fine.” (We Are More Fierce Than Fine). Beneath the Clouds. Robin Theatre, Lansing, MI.
2017. A Little Militant. Grove Gallery and Studios, East Lansing, MI. “Message Interrupted”; “1 in 4.” (Poems).
2016. Counting Backwards. Poetry Installation. East Lansing Art Gallery. February. 2016. Featured Artist/Poet: Arts Night Out. Greater Lansing Arts Council event. Curious Bookshop, East Lansing. May 5, 2016.
2016. Pop-Up Stories. Sponsored by WKAR and the Residential College in the Arts and Humanities. Red Cedar Spirits, East Lansing. September 19, 2016. Selected for best story and was aired on WKAR. A permanent link can be found at: http://wkar.org/post/pop-story-wrong-track.
Curated Exhibits
2020. Soulfire. Michigan State University, LOOKOut Gallery.
2019. Soulfire.” MSU Federal Credit Union, Main Branch. A fundraiser for Firecracker Foundation, Lansing, MI.
2019. Soulfire Art Catalogue. MSU Libraries Publishing Services. A community partner service project with The Firecracker Foundation. (September.)
Public Voice
2019. Capital City film Festival Announces Inaugural Poetry Project, Calls for Participation of 20 Local Poets. https://www.fox47news.com/yes/around-town/capital-city-film-festival-announces-inaugural-poetry-project-calls-for-participation-of-20-local-poets
2019. Soulfire Art Catalogue. MSU Libraries Publishing Services. A community partner service project with The Firecracker Foundation. (September.)
2019. “What if Lansing Were a Poem? Thoughts From Local Poets and an Invitation to Share Yours.” In print November 29. Lansing State Journal. Online at: https://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/opinion/contributors/viewpoints/2019/11/29/viewpoint-making-lansing-better-place-through-poetry/4306561002/
2019. “Poetic Listening.” TEDxMSU. March 27, 2019.
2018. “Poetry as Public Art is Part of Placemaking.” Lansing State Journal. February 25 (print). Online at https://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/opinion/contributors/viewpoints/2018/02/25/dejoy-poetry-public-art-part-placemaking/368358002/.
2017. “Redefining Experience.” With Cecilia DeJoy. Pop-Up Storoies. Old Town, Lansing, MI.
2016. “On the Wrong Track.” Pop-Up Stories. Sponsored by WKAR and the Residential College in the Arts and Humanities. Red Cedar Spirits, East Lansing. September 19, 2016. Selected for best story and was aired on WKAR. A permanent link can be found at: http://wkar.org/post/pop-story-wrong-track.
MSU Illuminates Survivor Voices with Beautiful OLED Installation
Illuminating Survivor Voices Makes Strides Across MSU
Illuminating Survivor Voices: Nancy DeJoy TEDxMSU
“Illuminating Survivor Voices” Through the Arts
Selected Courses Taught
First-Year Writing
Composition Theory
Feminist Theory
Nature and Environmental Writing
Undergraduate Research Seminar
Introduction to Feminism
Research or Academic Affiliations
Faculty Advisor, ReCur Undergraduate Research Journal
Board Member, Sexual Assault Healthcare Advisory Board
Development Committee Member, Firecracker Foundation
Consulting Editor, Fourth Genre
Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition