At the start of this semester, I was counting down the days until graduation and envisioning myself walking across the stage, receiving my diploma. I envisioned taking my diploma with pride, searching for my family in the crowd. I envisioned standing in front of the Spartan statue, taking pictures with my friends. I envisioned a lot for myself at the start of this semester, but I never thought I’d be in a position where my time at MSU would get cut short.
I never thought I’d have to leave the place I’ve lived for the past three years without getting to really say goodbye. I never thought I’d sit in a classroom for the last time without even realizing it. I never thought any of my MSU experiences would end this way, but what I’ll miss the most is my time interning with the College of Arts & Letters.

I transferred to MSU as a sophomore, and the following year, I applied to be an intern for the College’s Content Studio Team. I’m typically one to doubt myself, so I didn’t think I’d get it, but two years later, here I am, missing my team more than I ever thought I would.
I’d do anything to retake my morning walk and be in the Content Studio, a place that quickly made itself feel like home. I was lucky enough to see the studio transform from a few tables and chairs with computers to a space that fosters collaboration and communication with people who care about each other’s success and well-being, and I find myself longing for that every day as I work from home.
Being an MSU Content Studio intern is more than just learning how to write. It’s taught me how to be a stronger leader and that I’m capable of so much more than I think I am.
Every boss I’ve had in my previous jobs has always felt like just an authoritative figure, but the College does it better. My supervisor and senior editor have been two of the most instrumental figures in my undergraduate career. From the time I started, they’ve both made me feel valued as more than an intern. They’ve always been willing to help me when I needed it, and they’ve trained me to become a better writer.
There were many times at the beginning of my internship when I wanted to quit because I thought I wasn’t good enough, but they both always reminded me of the value of the work the Content Studio produces, and I’m grateful I stuck with it.
Being an intern for the College is more than just learning how to write. It’s taught me how to be a more collaborative coworker. It’s taught me how to be a stronger leader. It’s taught me how to have more patience with others and myself. It’s taught me how to push myself, even when it feels uncomfortable. It’s taught me that I’m capable of so much more than I think I am. I’ve learned more lessons as an intern than I have in any classroom, and I can’t thank the College of Arts & Letters enough for that.
Written by Caroline Caramagno