Dr. Casey Miles - Minor in Writing Advisor
Dr. Casey Miles is eager to meet with anyone interested in learning more about the Minor in Writing.
If you have a specific question, feel free to contact her at
To schedule a Zoom advising appointment with Casey, login to with your MSU NetID and password.
1. Click on the Academic Progress tile.
2. Click the tab on the left, labeled Advising/Tutoring Appointments.
3. Click Create New Appointment in the upper right corner.
- Category: choose Advising
- Advising/Tutoring Unit: select College of Arts & Letters
- Appointment Reason: Professional and Public Writing (0222)
- Additional Information: include further details to help Casey prepare for your appointment
- Appointment Type: select Zoom
- Click on Select Advisor
- Click the Time Selected drop-down menu to view available times
- Click on Select Time to confirm your apppointment
- Click Book It!