Jeanetta Mohlke-Hill
Ph.D. Student
Office: Bessey 273
Email: mohlkehi@msu.edu
Website: jeanettamohlkehill.com
Research Areas
Marginalized Communities, Cultural Discourse, Social Justice and Pedagogy
Jeanetta Mohlke-Hill (she/her/hers) is a PhD Candidate at Michigan State University in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and Cultures. She earned her BA in Women’s and Gender Studies and MA in Spanish. Influenced by her foundation in feminist theory and praxis, her work focuses on multimodal composing as an embodied practice that facilitates communication across cultures, languages, and experiences. In her work, she places particular emphasis on the embodied and sensory acts of storying and world-making, confronting exclusionary writing practices and reimagining restorative pedagogy. Her work has been published in the Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics and Intraspection. She also has a forthcoming publication in Routledge Resources Online. Additionally, she is actively involved in teaching and supporting writing instruction. She serves as a first-year writing instructor and also works as a writing center coordinator and consultant. She is also a former editorial assistant for constellations: a cultural rhetorics publishing space. Before beginning her path in rhetoric and writing, she was a college Spanish instructor, an advocate for the children of migrant farmworkers in Kentucky public schools, and a Peace Corps Volunteer in Paraguay.
M.A. in Spanish, Bowling Green State University
B.A. in Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Toledo
Sample Courses Taught
WRA101: Writing as Inquiry