Claire Oldham Griffith
Ph.D. Candidate
Graduate Assistant
Office: 267 Bessey Hall
Email: oldhamcl@msu.edu
Research Areas
Cultural Rhetorics, Creative-Critical Scholarship, Feminist Theory, Material Rhetorics
Claire (she/hers) is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and Cultures here at Michigan State University and earned her MA in Technical Communication from Texas Tech University. Influenced by a background in technical writing, her work connects the technical and digital aspects of communication to larger social-cultural theories of place, space, and embodied experience. Her interest in cultural rhetorics and feminist theory largely shape her commitment to interdisciplinarity, multimodality, and pedagogical theory. She has taught in the First Year Writing and Professional and Public Writing programs and has served in several administrative roles in the department.
M.A. in Technical Communication, Texas Tech University
Representative Work
Oldham Griffith, Claire and Jeanetta Mohlke-Hill. “Mapping as Sense-Making Practice”: Embodied and Ecological Approaches to Composition Pedagogy” Video Essay. Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics: Special Issue – Fantasies and Futurities. Winter/Spring 2023. http://journalofmultimodalrhetorics.com/7-2-mohlke-hill-and-oldham-griffith
Tetu, Imari C., Claire Oldham Griffith, Floyd Pouncil, and Liza Potts. “Human-centered (Re)Design: Revising a Rhetoric and Writing PhD Program.” Experience Report. SIGDOC ’23: Proceedings of the 41st ACM International Conference on Design of Communication. October,2023. https://doi.org/10.1145/3615335.3623036
“At the Intersection of Identity and Expression: A Study of Mapmaking as a Cultural Rhetorics Practice.” 2019 Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference: DIY Feminist Activism, Harrisonburg, VA, November 2019.
“High Impact Practices Outside the Classroom: Student Ownership and Engagement in Higher Education.” Association of Rhetoric and Writing Studies (ARWS) Conference, Austin, TX, October 2018.
“Building Scholarly Ethos: Yes, Undergraduates Can!” (poster presentation). Association of Rhetoric and Writing Studies (ARWS) Conference, Austin, TX, October 2018.
“Reinventing Rhetorical Education through “Remix”: Hacking Our Way into Intercultural Technical Communication and Rhetorical Expertise.” Co-presented with Sarah Terry. Rhetoric Society of America (RSA) Conference, Minneapolis, MN, May 2018.
Sample Courses Taught
WRA 101: Writing as Inquiry
WRA 320: Technical Communication