Lorelei Blackburn
Assistant Professor; Bailey Scholars Program Faculty Fellow
Office: 163 Bessey Hall
Email: lorelei@msu.edu
Research Areas
Disability Studies, Accessibility, Community-Engaged Learning, Pedagogy
Dr. Blackburn’s research interests include cultures of accessibility in first-year writing classes and trauma-informed pedagogy. Dr. Blackburn is trained in rhetoric, writing, and pedagogy. She has taught first-year writing; professional and business writing; technical writing; academic writing for adults; foundations in integrated learning; American culture for international students; and ESL and EFL writing. She has taught classes domestically, online, and in Africa, the Middle East, and the Caucuses, to both native English speakers and to ESL/EFL students.
Current research projects
“Toward a Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: Using a trauma-informed approach to create accessible and inclusive learning spaces for trauma- and conflict-affected students.” This project researches how trauma-informed care can offer a framework upon which effective pedagogy can be built to help educators create accessible and inclusive learning environments in which trauma-affected students can learn.
Ph.D., Michigan State University
M.A., DePaul University
B.A., Purdue University
Representative Work
“Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: Toward a culture of transformative access.” Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, Dayton, OH. 11 October 2019
“En-Abling Moves: How trauma-informed teaching can expand accessibility for everyone” Cultural Rhetorics Conference, East Lansing, MI. 16 November 2018.
Blackburn, Lorelei, and Melanie Yergeau. “Mine, Yours, and Ours: Developing collaborative relationships in the academic sphere.” Metamorphosis: The Effects of Professional Development on Graduate Students. Eds. Andrea Davis and Suzanne Webb. 2017. Print.
Blackburn, Lorelei, and Ellen Cushman. “Service Learning and Distance: Sustainability in Traditional and Organic Service-Learning Relationships.” Service-Learning in Literacy Education: Possibilities for Teacher Educators. Eds. Peter Smagorinsky and Valerie Kinloch. 2012. Print.
Selected Courses Taught
WRA 101: Writing as Inquiry
WRA 135: Writing Public Life in America (with service learning component)
WRA 310: Writing Research Communities (with service learning component)
WRA 380: Managing Publication Projects (with service learning component)
ANR 410: Integrated Learning Transitions
Research and Academic Affiliations
Bailey Scholars Program, Faculty Fellow