blond woman leaning head on hand

Julie Lindquist

Professor; Graduate Faculty; Director of First-Year Writing Program

Research Areas

Cultural Rhetorics, Literacy, Qualitative Methods, Writing Pedagogy 


My enduring interests have been related to language, class, culture, and educational access. My first major project was an ethnographic study of political rhetoric in a working-class bar; I have since published books and articles on the relationship of langauge and culture to literacy and writing pedagogy. For the past few years, I have been working with Bump Halbritter and others on a long-term project that combines life history and literacy research with appraoches to video documentary (LiteracyCorps Michigan). This research is inspired by, and finds application in, my current work as Director of the First-Year writing program at MSU.

Representative Work

“Time, Lives, and Videotape: Operationalizing Discovery in Scenes of Literacy Sponsorship.” With Bump Halbritter. College English (November 2012). Selected for the Richard Ohmann Outstanding Article College English Award for 2013.

“Time to Grow them: Practicing Slow Research in a Fast Field.” JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory. 32: 3 & 4 (2012).

“Class Affects, Classroom Affectations: Working Through the Paradoxes of Strategic Empathy.” College English 67 (2): November 2004.

The Elements of Literacy. With David Seitz. Longman/Pearson. 2008.

A Place to Stand: Politics and Persuasion in a Working-Class Bar. New York: Oxford, 2002.( Reviewed in Language and Society, Anthropology and Humanism, Linguistic Anthropology, and College English.)

Social Media

Twitter: @lindqu11