Hillery Glasby
Assistant Professor; Graduate Faculty; GenCen Faculty Fellow
Office: 250 Bessey Hall
Email: glasbyhi@msu.edu
Research Areas
Queer Rhetoric; Visual, Digital, and DIY/Craft Rhetorics; Queer and Feminist Pedagogies; Writing Center and Writing Program Administration
Hillery’s research focuses on LGBTQ student writers; queer and craft/DIY rhetorics; and critical sexual literacy. Hillery’s most recent projects include archival research analyzing DIY feminist making practices inspired by Supreme Court Justice, RBG and a co-edited collection titled Storytelling in Queer Appalachia.
PhD, Ohio University
Representative Work
Hillery Glasby and Caleb Pendygraft. “Mountain Dirt(y) Queer Rhetorics: Making Appalachian Queerness Visible.” The Routledge Handbook of Queer Rhetoric. Jacqueline Rhodes and Jonathan Alexander, Eds. Routledge, 2021.
Storytelling in Queer Appalachia: Imagining and Writing the “Unspeakable” Other. Eds. Glasby, Hillery, Gradin, Sherrie, and Racheal Ryerson. Morgantown, West Virginia University Press, July 2020.
Hoogestraat, Jane and Hillery Glasby. “A Dialogue on the Constructions of GLBT and Queer Ethos: I belong to a Culture that Includes…” “Histories of Ethos: World Perspectives on Rhetoric.” Spec. issue of Humanities. vol. 8, no. 2, 2019. https://doi.org/10.3390/h8020097.
“Making it Queer, Not Clear: Queer Methodologies of Excess, Failure, and Ambivalence.” Re/Orienting Writing Studies: Queer Methods, Queer Projects. William Banks, Matthew Cox, and Caroline Dadas, Eds. Utah State UP/University Press of Colorado. 2019.
“Activating Activism.” Writing Networks for Social Justice. Webtext. Don Unger and Liz Lane, Eds and publishers. 4C4E. Constellations: A Cultural Rhetorics Publishing Space, April 2018. http://constell8cr.com/4c4e/
“[ ]: National Day of Silence’s Rhetorical Silence as Performative Rhetorical Activism.” Stillness and Silence. Spec. issue of Liminalities. vol. 12, no. 2, 2016, liminalities.net/12-3/silence.html.
“Let Me Queer My Throat | Queer Rhetorics of Negotiation: Marriage Equality and Homonormativity.” Digital Activism. Spec. issue of Harlot. no. 11, 2014, harlotofthearts.org/index.php/harlot/article/view/210/145.
Selected Courses Taught
WRA 101: Writing as Inquiry
WRA 260: Rhetoric, Persuasion, Cultures, and Communities
WRA 325: Writing and Multimodality
WRA 360: Design of Print and Digital Documents
WRA 891: DIY, Craft, & Material Rhetorics
WRA 891: Queer Community Literacies and Rhetorics
WS 304: LGBTQ Studies
Research or Academic Affiliations
Core Faculty, GenCen