Catalina Bartlett

Assistant Professor
Office: Bessey 292

Research Areas

Creative Writing, Chicanx Literatures, Theories of the Body


Catalina Bartlett’s research concentrations include creative writing (fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry) crafted through the lens of social justice and decolonizing storytelling. Another concentration is literatures and cultural rhetorics, wherein she focuses on Chicanx/Latinx and Indigenous literatures, land-based literatures, as well food, feminisms, and rhetoric. Her other research concentrations center on diasporic and border theories, women of color feminisms, theories of the body, and affect theory.


Ph.D., Texas A&M University
MFA, Indiana University
MA, University of California at Berkeley

Selected Courses Taught

WRA 101: Writing as Inquiry
WRA 195H: Writing as Inquiry Honors
WRA 341: Nature and Environmental Writing