Critical Studies in Literacy and Pedagogy (MA)

Archived as of Fall 2021.
In the CSLP program, we provide space for students to explore the fields of rhetoric, writing, and literacy as well as to apply their knowledge and theorize across various community and academic sites. Through this MA program, we interrogate multimodal composing and literacy practices, diverse pedagogies, and various research methods while preparing students for teaching and working in a wide range of settings.
This MA is designed for two primary audiences: 1) individuals who want to continue to doctoral work in Rhetoric and Writing, and 2) individuals who want to teach or to do literacy work in community organizations, including community colleges. The goal of the program is to prepare teachers and researchers in the field of composition and rhetoric or in community literacy. The program emphasizes the teaching and learning of language and literacy in multiple contexts and multiple modes, including print, digital, and visual, as well as research in these areas. Central to the program’s emphasis is the critical examination of diversity as it impacts the teaching of rhetoric, writing and literacy; the democratization of the classroom; the role of language and schooling in society at large; and the politics of language, literacy, and culture.