Our spotlight this week is Lorelei Blackburn, an assistant professor in WRAC! One of her peers shared the following about her work:
Lorelei is an outstanding educator who has long been under-recognized for her work with students, especially those who have varied accessibility needs. Lorelei plans her classes with community-based projects in mind.
In fall 2019, Lorelei facilitated a collaboration between WRA 331 students and Dr. Joanne Riebschleger, Associate Professor of Social Work at MSU. The students helped create and apply rhetorical strategies for the Mental Health Info for Teens (MHIT) website (https://mhiteens.org/), ‘an informational website on mental health issues for middle school youth, ages 11-15’ (College of Arts and Letters 2020). Lorelei guided students’ proposals and then shared their ideas for the website with Dr. Riebschleger. In less than two months, Lorelei’s WRA 331 students also created ‘digital materials that included a project library, a document repository, and a style guide, as well as new templates, infographics, website activity materials, and promotional documents’ for MHIT (2020). Thank you, Lorelei, for the valuable work you do in WRAC!