Bill Hart-Davidson
Professor; Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education, Graduate Faculty
Office: 300 Linton Hall
Email: hartdav2@msu.edu
Google Scholar
Website: billhd.com
Research Areas
Digital Humanities, Experience Architecture, Technical Writing, Science & Medical Writing, Computational Rhetoric
Bill Hart-Davidson earned his Ph.D. in 1999 in Rhetoric & Composition from Purdue University. He is a Senior Researcher in the Writing in Digital Environments Research (Center) center and Associate Dean of Research Graduate Education in the College of Arts & Letters. He has published over 75 articles and book chapters and is co-inventor of Eli Review, a software service that supports writing instruction.
Ph.D. Rhetoric & Composition, Purdue University, 1999
M.A. Writing and Rhetoric, Bowling Green State University, 1994
B.S. Education, Bowling Green State University, 1992
Representative Work
Eli Review. elireview.com.
Hart-Davidson, W. & Lauren, B. (2020). Sight, Sound, and Practice: An Exploration of the Ways Visualizations Can Support Learning to Compose. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, & Pedagogy. http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/25.1/topoi/lauren-hart-davidson/index.html.
Hart-Davidson, W. & Meeks, M.G. (2020). Behavioral Indicators of Writing Improvement: Feedback Analytics for Peer Learning. In N. Elliot & D. Kelly-Riley (Eds.). Improving Outcomes: Disciplinary Writing, Local Assessment, & the Aim of Fairness. New York: MLA.
Hart-Davidson, W. & Lauren, B. (2020). Extending the Work of Writing Stewardship: Managing Texts, People, & Projects. In T. Bridgeford (Ed.). Teaching Content Management in Technical and Professional Communication. Routledge.
Opel, D. S., & Hart-Davidson, W. (2019). The Primary Care Clinic as Writing Space. Written Communication, 0741088319839968.
Ridolfo, J. & Hart-Davidson, W. (Eds.) (2019). Rhet Ops: Rhetoric & Information Warfare. University of Pittsburgh Press.
Omizo, R. & Hart-Davidson, W. (2016). Hedge—O—Matic. Enculturation 7 http://enculturation.net/hedgeomatic.
Omizo R., & Hart-Davidson, W. (2016). Finding genre signals in academic writing. Journal of Writing Research, 7(3), 485-‐509.
Hart-Davidson, W. (2015). The Turn to Learning: A View of UX Project Management as Organizational Learning Practice. International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development (IJSKD), 7(3), 49—52.
Ridolfo, James & William Hart-Davidson. (In press for 2014).Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities. Chicago: U of Chicago P.
Awards and Recognition
2020 Diana Award presented to Liza Potts, William Hart-Davidson, & Jeff Grabill by the Association of Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Design of Communication (ACM SIGDOC). The Diana award recognizes “an organization, institution, or business for its long-term contribution to the field of communication design.”
2016 Fellow of the Association of Teachers of Technical Communication. This award recognizes career contributions and leadership in the field of technical communication.
Computers & Composition Distinguished Book Award, given to the outstanding book published in the previous year. Awarded to Rhetoric & the Digital Humanities, Ridolfo & Hart-Davidson (Eds.).
2015 Conference on College Composition and Communication Technology Innovator Award. Awarded to the WIDE Research Center. (Grabill, Hart-Davidson, Potts).
Selected Courses Taught
XA 375 Information Architecture
WRA 320 Technical Writing
WRA 420 Content Strategy
WRA 482 Information and Interaction Design
WRA 210 & 410 Web Authoring, Advanced Web Authoring
WRA 453 Grant and Proposal Writing
WRA 841 Professional Writing Theory and Research
WRA 885 Research Colloquium
WRA 870 Research Methodologies
AL 881 Teaching with Technology
Science and Medical Writing,
Research or Academic Affiliations
Senior Researcher, WIDE Research Center
Affiliated Researcher, MATRIX Affiliated Researcher, Center for Ethics in Humanities in the Life Sciences
Institutional Liason, Humanities Without Walls Consortium
Fellow, Association of Teachers of Technical Writing
Secretary, Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW)
Social Media
Twitter: @billhd