woman in patterned blouse with blonde hair

Dawn Opel

Assistant Professor of Digital Media and User Experience
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Office: 240 Bessey Hall
Email: opeldawn@msu.edu
Websites: DawnOpel.com

Research Areas

Technical and Professional Communication, Community Literacy, Rhetoric of Health and Medicine, User Experience


Dawn is a community-engaged action researcher, and partners with nonprofit, government and healthcare organizations to improve the design of communication and coordination of patient care. Dawn’s research lies at the intersection of rhetoric, law, and policy, having previously served as a federal law clerk and lawyer with legal aid societies and other nonprofit organizations. In 2019, Dawn served as a Research Policy Fellow at the University of Michigan’s Center for Healthcare and Research Transformation. Her work is funded by grants from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Community Living.


PhD, Rhetoric, Composition, and Linguistics. Arizona State University. 2015.
JD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Law. 2002.
BA, History. Wake Forest University. 1999

Representative Work

Opel, D., and Simeone, M. (2019). The invisible work of the digital humanities lab: Preparing graduate students for emergent intellectual and professional work. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 13(2).

Opel, D. & Hart-Davidson, W. (2019). The primary care clinic as writing space. Written Communication, 36(3), 348-378.

Opel, D. (2018). Challenging the rhetorical conception of health literacy: Aging, interdependence, and networked caregiving. Literacy in Composition Studies, 6(2), 136-150.

Opel, D., & Rhodes, J. (2018). Beyond student as user: Rhetoric, multimodality, and user-centered design. Computers and Composition: An International Journal, 49, 71-81.

Selected Courses Taught

WRA 878: Composition Studies: Issues, Theory, and Research

WRA 491: Medical Rhetoric and Science Writing

XA 333/AL 333: Researching Experience

WRA 331: Writing in the Public Interest

Research or Academic Affiliations

Member, Board of Directors, Coalition for Community Writing

Co-PI, Humanities Without Walls, “The Building Healthcare Collectives Project”

Food@MSU Seed Grant Researcher

Affiliate, Digital Humanities @ MSU

Joint Faculty Appointment, Hub for Innovation in Learning and Technology

Affiliate Faculty, School of Law

Member, Board of Directors, Coalition for Community Writing

Co-PI, Humanities Without Walls, “The Building Healthcare Collectives Project”

Food@MSU Seed Grant Researcher

Core Faculty, Digital Humanities @ MSU

Member, WRAC Multimodal Research Group